Root canal therapy has become a routine dental treatment to resolve tooth infections and cavities. Root canals offer painless relief thanks to new developments in dental methods, equipment, and materials. Contrary to popular belief, a specialist performing root canal in Orangeville claims root canals entail faster and simpler recovery than tooth removal.
Tips about Root Canal Therapy
• A root canal is needed when the soft pulp tissue inside the tooth root becomes inflamed or infected due to decay, deep cavities, or trauma. Left untreated, this can lead to severe pain, loss of teeth, and even spread of infection to the jaw bone.
• During a root canal procedure, the infected or dead pulp is removed, and the root canal space is cleaned and shaped. The space is then filled with a sealing material, like gutta-percha, to prevent future bacteria from entering.
• Patients typically report minimal pain during the procedure due to the local anesthesia. However, there may be some discomfort, swelling, and tenderness afterward for a few days that can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.
• Follow-up visits may be needed to place a permanent filling or crown over the tooth to restore its shape, size, and function. This ensures the root canal treatment was successful and the tooth remains protected.
• With proper dental care, a root canal-treated tooth can last as long as a healthy natural tooth. Regular checkups and cleanings are still important to monitor the tooth for future issues.
• Advanced technology has improved the success rates of root canal treatments to over 90%. However, in rare cases, the root canal may fail due to complications, and the tooth may need to be extracted.
The Failure of Root Canal Therapy
Various possible indications indicate that a root canal treatment did not work properly.
Continuing or exacerbating discomfort:
If the root canal does not adequately remove and sanitize the entire root canal space, bacteria might persist, causing ongoing swelling and pain.
Puffiness or soreness of tooth or gum:
Residual infections from an unsuccessful root canal may produce swelling, redness, and tenderness in the region.
Oversensitivity to hot or cold:
Leakage from the material used to fill the root canal space could irritate the nerve resulting in temperature hypersensitivity.
Misplaced temporary filling or crown:
When the temporary filling or crown placed over the root canal tooth becomes detached, bacteria can re-enter the canal space and cause an infection.
Discharge from the surrounding gum:
Pus or fluid from the gum signifies an infection within or surrounding the tooth-treated root canal.
Tooth mobility:
Over time, inflammation and infection from a failed root canal can weaken the bone supporting the tooth, leading to movement and probable loss.
Lingering discomfort after the procedure:
When significant discomfort continues for multiple days after the root canal treatment, that likely indicates the issue was not resolved.
Suppose you suspect your root canal has failed. In that case, it is crucial to schedule an appointment immediately with your dentist for examination, tests, and recommendations for retreatments or likely extraction.